Leo Docherty MP's Concerning Voting Record on Police Funding
25 May 2024The Cuts to Police Budgets
Leo Docherty, the Conservative MP for Aldershot, has consistently voted in favor of reducing central government funding for local police forces. According to the public record on TheyWorkForYou.com, Docherty has voted:
- Against requiring the Government to make annual reports on funding for police forces (October 2018)
- Against requiring a strategy for ensuring police forces have sufficient resources (January 2018)
These votes were part of a broader austerity program by the Conservative government that saw central government funding for police forces in England and Wales drop by nearly 30% in real terms between 2010 and 2019 according to the Institute for Government.
The Impact on Public Safety
These deep cuts to police budgets have had a major negative impact on public safety and security across the country. With fewer officers on the streets and diminished resources, police forces have struggled to combat crime effectively. Some key impacts include:
- Nearly 22,000 fewer officers in England and Wales as of 2018 compared to 2010 levels
- Rising crime rates, with a 14% increase in weapon-related offenses from 2017-2018
- Slower response times and increased pressure on overstretched forces
- Cuts to critical areas like community policing, investigations, and forensics
The former chief constable of West Midlands Police stated the cuts represented an “attack” on the police service and put public safety at risk.
Docherty’s Defense of His Stance
When challenged on his voting record, Docherty has defended the cuts as necessary austerity measures to rein in the deficit. He argues that police forces should do more with less through efficiency savings and prioritization.
However, frontline officers and law enforcement experts have sharply criticized this view, arguing that there is no way to maintain effective policing with year after year of deep real-terms budget reductions.
A Reckless Approach to Public Safety
By repeatedly voting to slash funding for police over his years as an MP, Leo Docherty has taken a reckless approach that has undermined public safety and security in communities across the country. His constituents and the broader public deserve better than this short-sighted disregard for fully funding one of the most critical functions of the state.
As crime rates continue to trend upward, it’s critical that MPs like Docherty reverse course and vote to properly equip police forces with the resources and manpower they need to keep streets safe. When it comes to issues of law and order, pinching pennies is utterly unacceptable.
Voting Record: Leo Docherty’s voting record on police funding from TheyWorkForYou.com: https://www.theyworkforyou.com/mp/25628/leo_docherty/aldershot/votes
Police Funding Cuts: Institute for Government analysis on 30% real-terms cut to central government police funding from 2010-2019: https://www.instituteforgovernment.org.uk/publication/performance-tracker-2019/police
Impact of Cuts:
Loss of 21,700 officers in England and Wales from 2010-2018 according to UK Home Office: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/853204/police-workforce-sep19-hosb2119.pdf
14% increase in weapon offenses from 2017-2018 per Office for National Statistics: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/bulletins/crimeinenglandandwales/yearendingseptember2018
Comments from former West Midlands Police chief on cuts being an “attack” from The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/jul/26/police-cuts-have-gone-too-far-inspectors-warn